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Retrieve the code of Vizro-AI generated dashboard

This guide shows how to retrieve the code of a Vizro-AI generated dashboard. The code can be used for further iterations, improvements, and deployment.

While Vizro-AI can follow complex user requirements well and generate high-quality dashboards, due to the nature of LLMs, the generated dashboards often only partly match user expectations. Besides refining the user prompt and re-running Vizro-AI, you can also extract the code and iterate manually to achieve the desired result.

1. Prepare the data and user prompt

import as px

df =

user_question = """
Create a one-page dashboard layout with the following components:

1. Card:
   - Position: Left of the page
   - Size: Takes up 1/4 of the total page width
   - Content: Display the text "This is Tips dataset"

2. Table:
   - Position: Right of the card
   - Size: Takes up the remaining 3/4 of the page width
   - Content: Display the Tips dataset

2. Generate and launch the dashboard

from vizro_ai import VizroAI

vizro_ai = VizroAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
result = vizro_ai.dashboard([df], user_question, return_elements=True)
This triggers the dashboard building process. Once Vizro-AI finishes the dashboard generation process, you can now launch the dashboard.

Generated dashboard

import as px
from vizro_ai import VizroAI
from vizro import Vizro

df =
user_question = """
Create a one-page dashboard layout with the following components:

1. Card:
   - Position: Left of the page
   - Size: Takes up 1/4 of the total page width
   - Content: Display the text "This is Tips dataset"

1. Table:
   - Position: Right of the card
   - Size: Takes up the remaining 3/4 of the page width
   - Content: Display the Tips dataset
vizro_ai = VizroAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
result = vizro_ai.dashboard([df], user_question, return_elements=True)


3. Retrieve the Python code of the dashboard

View dashboard code

import as px
from vizro_ai import VizroAI
from vizro import Vizro

df =
user_question = """
Create a one-page dashboard layout with the following components:

1. Card:
   - Position: Left of the page
   - Size: Takes up 1/4 of the total page width
   - Content: Display the text "This is Tips dataset"

1. Table:
   - Position: Right of the card
   - Size: Takes up the remaining 3/4 of the page width
   - Content: Display the Tips dataset
vizro_ai = VizroAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
result = vizro_ai.dashboard([df], user_question, return_elements=True)

######## Module Imports ##########
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.managers import data_manager
from vizro.models.types import capture
import vizro.models as vm
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

########## Data Imports ##########
#####!!! UNCOMMENT BELOW !!!######
# data_manager["restaurant_bills"] = ===> Fill in here <===

###### Callable definitions ######

########## Object code ###########
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(
           id="Tips Data Visualization",
                   text="This is Tips dataset",
           title="Tips Data Visualization",
           layout=vm.Layout(grid=[[0, 1, 1, 1]]),
   title="Tips Dataset Overview",