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How to install Vizro-AI

This guide offers instructions on installing Vizro-AI and provides comprehensive explanation on how to install, update and verify the current version of Vizro-AI.


  • Python: Vizro-AI supports macOS, Linux, and Windows. It is designed to work with Python 3.8 and above. The python version can be specified when setting up your virtual environment.
  • Virtual environment: We recommend creating a new virtual environment for each new Vizro-AI project you work on to isolate the Python dependencies from those of other projects. To learn more, please see the following references about python virtual environments, conda virtual environments or watch an explainer video about them.
  • OpenAI API Key: Using Vizro-AI requires an API key, which you can get by creating an account here. (Users are recommended to review the third party API key section of the disclaimer documentation. ). Once you have your API key, the next step is to set your environment variable by:
    export OPENAI_API_KEY="..."

More details can be found in the environment setup guide.

Beginners/Code novices

If you are a beginner or new to coding and wish to avoid using the terminal, you can follow these steps:


To install Vizro-AI from the Python Package Index (PyPI), utilize pip in your terminal with the following command:

pip install vizro_ai

While you can execute code from the tutorials and user guides using a Python script, using a Jupyter notebook is often considered more convenient. You can install jupyter with the following command:

pip install jupyter
Beginners/Code novices

If you're new to coding or consider yourself a beginner, you can follow these following steps to avoid using the terminal:

  • Search vizro_ai and install it using the Anaconda Navigator package manager. You can find instructions here
  • Similarly, search jupyter and install it through the same procedure
  • Once installed, launching a Jupyter notebook becomes straightforward; you can find guidance here
  • With Jupyter, you can easily copy and paste any of the provided examples into a notebook cell, evaluate the cell, and examine the results

Verify version

After successfully installing Vizro-AI, to verify the version or confirm the installation, you can run the following code from a Python script or a Jupyter notebook cell:

import vizro_ai


You should see a return output of the current version.


If you want to upgrade Vizro-AI to a different version later on, you can do so by running the following command:

pip install vizro_ai -U

The best way to safely upgrade is to check the release notes for any notable breaking changes before migrating an existing project.