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How to use tables

This guide shows you how to visualize tables in Vizro.

There are two ways to visualize tables in Vizro, using either AG Grid or Dash DataTable. In general, AG Grid is Vizro's recommended table implementation, but sometimes it may make sense to use the Dash DataTable instead.

Choose between AG Grid and Dash DataTable

Vizro offers two models - the AgGrid model and the Table model - for the above two approaches respectively. They both visualize tabular data in similar ways.

The main difference between the two is that the AgGrid model is based on Plotly's Dash AG Grid component, while the Table model is based on the Dash DataTable component.

Both approaches have similar base features, and are configurable in similar ways. However, the AG Grid offers more advanced features out-of-the-box, is more customizable and also ships a powerful enterprise version. This is why it is Vizro's recommended table implementation. At the same time, the Dash DataTable can be used if developers are already familiar with it, or if some custom functionality is easier to implement using the Dash DataTable.

AG Grid

AG Grid is an interactive table/grid component designed for viewing, editing, and exploring large datasets. It is Vizro's recommended table implementation.

The Vizro AgGrid model is based on the Dash AG Grid, which is in turn based the original Javascript implementation.

Basic usage

To add a AgGrid to your page, do the following:

  • Insert the AgGrid model into the components argument of the Page model.
  • Enter the dash_ag_grid function under the figure argument (imported via from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid).

The Vizro version of this AG Grid differs in one way from the original Dash AG Grid: it requires the user to pass a pandas DataFrame as the source of data. As explained in our guide to using data in Vizro, this must be entered under the argument data_frame. Most other parameters of the Dash AG Grid can be entered as keyword arguments. Note that some defaults are set for some arguments (for example, for columnDefs) to help with styling and usability. Sometimes a parameter may not work because it requires a callback to function. In that case you can try creating a custom AG Grid callable.

Basic Dash AG Grid

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

df =

page = vm.Page(
    title="Default Dash AG Grid",
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See from_yaml example
- components:
  - figure:
      _target_: dash_ag_grid
      data_frame: gapminder
    type: ag_grid
  title: Default Dash AG Grid


Enable pagination

Pagination is a visual alternative to using vertical scroll. It can also improve loading time if you have many rows. You can turn it on by setting dashGridOptions={"pagination": True}.

Basic Dash AG Grid

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

df =

page = vm.Page(
    title="Dash AG Grid with pagination",
    components=[vm.AgGrid(figure=dash_ag_grid(data_frame=df, dashGridOptions={"pagination": True}))]
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See from_yaml example
- components:
  - figure:
      _target_: dash_ag_grid
      data_frame: gapminder
         pagination: true
    type: ag_grid
  title: Dash AG Grid with pagination


Formatting columns


One of the most common tasks when working with tables is to format the columns so that displayed numbers are more readable. To do this, you can use the native functionality of value formatters or the Vizro pre-defined custom cell data types as shown below.

The available custom cell types for Vizro are dollar, euro, percent and numeric.

To use these, define your desired <COLUMN> alongside the chosen cellDataType in the columnDefs argument of your dash_ag_grid function:

columnDefs = [{"field": "<COLUMN>", "cellDataType": "euro"}]

In the example below we select and format some columns of the gapminder data.

AG Grid with formatted columns

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

df =

columnDefs = [{"field": "country"}, {"field": "year"}, {"field": "lifeExp", "cellDataType": "numeric"},
              {"field": "gdpPercap", "cellDataType": "dollar"}, {"field": "pop", "cellDataType": "numeric"}]

page = vm.Page(
    title="Example of AG Grid with formatted columns",
            title="AG Grid with formatted columns",

dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See from_yaml example
  - components:
      - figure:
          _target_: dash_ag_grid
          data_frame: gapminder
            - field: country
            - field: year
            - field: lifeExp
              cellDataType: numeric
            - field: gdpPercap
              cellDataType: dollar
            - field: pop
              cellDataType: numeric
        title: AG Grid with formatted columns
        type: ag_grid
    title: Example of AG Grid with formatted columns



For the AgGrid model to sort and filter dates correctly, the date must either be of string format yyyy-mm-dd (see Dash AG Grid docs) or a pandas datetime object. Any pandas datetime column will be transformed into the yyyy-mm-dd format automatically.

Objects and strings

No specific formatting is available for custom objects and strings, however you can make use of Value Formatters to format displayed strings automatically.

Styling and changing the AG Grid

As mentioned above, all parameters of the Dash AG Grid can be entered as keyword arguments. Below you can find an example of a styled AG Grid where some conditional formatting is applied, and where the columns are editable, but not filterable or resizable. There are more ways to alter the grid beyond this showcase. AG Grid, like any other Vizro component, can be customized using custom CSS. You can find information in the guide to overwriting CSS properties.

Styled and modified Dash AG Grid

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

df =

cellStyle = {
    "styleConditions": [
            "condition": "params.value < 1045",
            "style": {"backgroundColor": "#ff9222"},
            "condition": "params.value >= 1045 && params.value <= 4095",
            "style": {"backgroundColor": "#de9e75"},
            "condition": "params.value > 4095 && params.value <= 12695",
            "style": {"backgroundColor": "#aaa9ba"},
            "condition": "params.value > 12695",
            "style": {"backgroundColor": "#00b4ff"},

columnDefs = [
    {"field": "country"},
    {"field": "continent"},
    {"field": "year"},
        "field": "lifeExp",
        "valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format('.1f')(params.value)"},
        "field": "gdpPercap",
        "valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format('$,.1f')(params.value)"},
        "cellStyle": cellStyle,
        "field": "pop",
        "valueFormatter": {"function": "d3.format(',.0f')(params.value)"},

page = vm.Page(
    title="Example of Modified Dash AG Grid",
            title="Modified Dash AG Grid",
                defaultColDef={"resizable": False, "filter": False, "editable": True},

dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See from_yaml example
  - components:
      - figure:
          _target_: dash_ag_grid
          data_frame: gapminder
            - field: country
            - field: continent
            - field: year
            - field: lifeExp
                function: "d3.format('.1f')(params.value)"
            - field: gdpPercap
                function: "d3.format('$,.1f')(params.value)"
                  - condition: params.value < 1045
                      backgroundColor: "#ff9222"
                  - condition: params.value >= 1045 && params.value <= 4095
                      backgroundColor: "#de9e75"
                  - condition: params.value > 4095 && params.value <= 12695
                      backgroundColor: "#aaa9ba"
                  - condition: params.value > 12695
                      backgroundColor: "#00b4ff"
            - field: pop
              type: rightAligned
                function: "d3.format(',.0f')(params.value)"
            resizable: false
            filter: false
            editable: true
        title: Dash AG Grid
        type: ag_grid
    title: Example of a Dash AG Grid


If the available arguments are not sufficient, there is always the option to create a custom AG Grid callable.

Dash DataTable

Similar to AG Grid, the Dash DataTable is an interactive table/grid component designed for viewing, editing, and exploring large datasets.

In general, we recommend using AG Grid for tables unless you have a particular reason to prefer Dash DataTable.

The Vizro Table model is based on the Dash DataTable.

Basic usage

To add a Table to your page, do the following:

  • Insert the Table model into the components argument of the Page model.
  • Enter the dash_data_table function under the figure argument (imported via from vizro.tables import dash_data_table).

The Vizro version of this table differs in one way from the original table: it requires the user to pass a pandas DataFrame as the source of data. As explained in our guide to using data in Vizro, this must be entered under the argument data_frame.

All other parameters of the Dash DataTable can be entered as keyword arguments. Note that we are setting some defaults for some arguments to help with styling.

Dash DataTable

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_data_table

df ="year == 2007")

page = vm.Page(
    title="Example of a Dash DataTable",
        vm.Table(title="Dash DataTable", figure=dash_data_table(data_frame=df)),
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See yaml_version example
- components:
  - figure:
      _target_: dash_data_table
      data_frame: gapminder_2007
    title: Dash DataTable
    type: table
  title: Example of a Dash DataTable


Styling and changing the Dash DataTable

As mentioned above, all parameters of the Dash DataTable can be entered as keyword arguments. Below you can find an example of a styled table where some conditional formatting is applied. There are many more ways to alter the table beyond this showcase.

Styled Dash DataTable

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_data_table

df ="year == 2007")

column_definitions = [
    {"name": "country", "id": "country", "type": "text", "editable": False},
    {"name": "continent", "id": "continent", "type": "text"},
    {"name": "year", "id": "year", "type": "datetime"},
    {"name": "lifeExp", "id": "lifeExp", "type": "numeric"},
    {"name": "pop", "id": "pop", "type": "numeric"},
    {"name": "gdpPercap", "id": "gdpPercap", "type": "numeric"},

style_data_conditional = [
        "if": {
            "column_id": "year",
        "backgroundColor": "dodgerblue",
        "color": "white",
    {"if": {"filter_query": "{lifeExp} < 55", "column_id": "lifeExp"}, "backgroundColor": "#85144b", "color": "white"},
        "if": {"filter_query": "{gdpPercap} > 10000", "column_id": "gdpPercap"},
        "backgroundColor": "green",
        "color": "white",
    {"if": {"column_type": "text"}, "textAlign": "left"},
        "if": {"state": "active"},
        "backgroundColor": "rgba(0, 116, 217, 0.3)",
        "border": "1px solid rgb(0, 116, 217)",

style_header_conditional = [{"if": {"column_type": "text"}, "textAlign": "left"}]

page = vm.Page(
    title="Example of a styled Dash DataTable",
            title="Styled table",
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])


Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See yaml_version example
  - components:
      - figure:
          _target_: dash_data_table
          data_frame: gapminder_2007
          sort_action: native
          editable: true
            - name: country
              id: country
              type: text
              editable: false
            - name: continent
              id: continent
              type: text
            - name: year
              id: year
              type: datetime
            - name: lifeExp
              id: lifeExp
              type: numeric
            - name: pop
              id: pop
              type: numeric
            - name: gdpPercap
              id: gdpPercap
              type: numeric
            - if:
                column_id: year
              backgroundColor: dodgerblue
              color: white
            - if:
                filter_query: "{lifeExp} < 55"
                column_id: lifeExp
              backgroundColor: "#85144b"
              color: white
            - if:
                filter_query: "{gdpPercap} > 10000"
                column_id: gdpPercap
              backgroundColor: green
              color: white
            - if:
                column_type: text
              textAlign: left
            - if:
                state: active
              backgroundColor: rgba(0, 116, 217, 0.3)
              border: 1px solid rgb(0, 116, 217)
        type: table
    title: Dash DataTable


If the available arguments are not sufficient, there is always the option to create a custom Dash DataTable.

The Table and the AgGrid models accept a title, header and footer argument. This is useful for providing context to the data being displayed, or for adding a description of the data.

  • title: Displayed as an H3 header, useful for summarizing the main topic or insight of the component.
  • header: Accepts Markdown text, ideal for additional descriptions, subtitles, or detailed data insights.
  • footer: Accepts Markdown text, commonly used for citing data sources, providing information on the last update, or adding disclaimers.

Formatted AgGrid

Formatted AgGrid

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_ag_grid

gapminder_2007 ="year == 2007")

page = vm.Page(
    title="Formatted AgGrid",
            figure=dash_ag_grid(data_frame=gapminder_2007, dashGridOptions={"pagination": True}),
            title="Gapminder Data Insights",
            header="""#### An Interactive Exploration of Global Health, Wealth, and Population""",
            footer="""SOURCE: **Plotly gapminder data set, 2024**""",
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])

Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See yaml_version example
- components:
  - figure:
      _target_: dash_ag_grid
      data_frame: gapminder_2007
        pagination: true
    title: Gapminder Data Insights
    header: |
      #### An Interactive Exploration of Global Health, Wealth, and Population
    footer: |
      SOURCE: **Plotly gapminder data set, 2024**
    type: ag_grid
  title: Formatted AgGrid


Formatted DataTable

Formatted DataTable

import vizro.models as vm
import as px
from vizro import Vizro
from vizro.tables import dash_data_table

gapminder_2007 ="year == 2007")

page = vm.Page(
    title="Formatted DataTable",
            title="Gapminder Data Insights",
            header="""#### An Interactive Exploration of Global Health, Wealth, and Population""",
            footer="""SOURCE: **Plotly gapminder data set, 2024**""",
dashboard = vm.Dashboard(pages=[page])

Run and edit this code in Py.Cafe

# Still requires a .py to add data to the data manager and parse YAML configuration
# See yaml_version example
- components:
  - figure:
      _target_: dash_data_table
      data_frame: gapminder_2007
    title: Gapminder Data Insights
    header: |
      #### An Interactive Exploration of Global Health, Wealth, and Population
    footer: |
      SOURCE: **Plotly gapminder data set, 2024**
    type: table
  title: Formatted DataTable
