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Contribute to Vizro

Contributing guidelines

Contributions of all experience levels are welcome! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate any help. Use our issues page to discuss any contributions. Before opening a pull request, ensure you've first opened an issue to discuss the contribution.

Found a bug?

Great! We would appreciate if you could head to our issues page and raise a ticket in the category bug report. It would help us if you could first check if there are any existing issues with a similar description before submitting a new ticket. We will try to reproduce the bug you've reported and follow up with the next steps.

Request a feature

Splendid! To raise a feature request, head to our issues page and raise a ticket in the category feature request. We would appreciate if you searched the existing issues for a similar description before raising a new ticket. The team will then try to understand the request in more detail, explore the feasibility and prioritize it in relation to the current roadmap. We will get back to you as soon as possible with an estimate of whether and when this feature could be released.

General question

Nice! We are happy to receive general questions around Vizro. Take a look at our issues page and raise a ticket in the category general question. We would be grateful if you could check for any similar descriptions in the existing issues before opening a new ticket.

How to interact with the repository

The easiest way to get up and running is to open the repository in GitHub Codespaces. This will create a temporary development environment with all the necessary configurations, making it especially convenient for tasks like reviewing pull requests.

We use Hatch as a project management tool. To get started on your own machine, you should complete the following steps. Note there is no need to set up your own virtual environment since Hatch takes care of that for you.

  1. Install hatch by running brew install hatch or pipx install hatch (preferable to pip install hatch).
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Run hatch -v env create from the vizro-core folder of your cloned repository. This creates Hatch's default environment with dependencies installed and the project installed in development mode (that is, using pip install --editable). It will take a few minutes to complete. All following commands should be executed from this folder as well.
  4. Run hatch run example to open an example Vizro dashboard with Dash dev tools enabled.
  5. Edit the code! Thanks to Dash dev tools' hot reloading, any changes to the example app or vizro source code should automatically show in your dashboard without needing refresh or restart any process.


The above steps are all automated in GitHub Codespaces thanks to the devcontainer configuration, and the example dashboard should already be running on port 8050.

If you haven't used Hatch before, it's well worth skimming through their documentation, in particular the page on environments. Run hatch env show to show all Hatch's environments and available scripts, and take a look at hatch.toml to see our Hatch configuration. Hatch's tab completion is useful to explore the Hatch CLI.


Several example dashboards are given in examples. To run, for instance, the features/yaml_version example, execute:

hatch run example features/yaml_version

If no example is specified (hatch run example) then the _dev example is used.


If you're modifying documentation, the following will do a hot-reloading build of the rendered docs:

hatch run docs:serve

Debugging tips

  • Dash dev tools are enabled in all the Hatch environments by setting environment variable DASH_DEBUG = "true", and so there is no need to specify debug=True when calling to enable them. The reload functionality, callback graph and in-browser error messages are particularly useful.
  • All Hatch environments also have VIZRO_LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG" to show log messages of level DEBUG and above.


Tests are handled using the pytest and jest frameworks, and test environments are managed by Hatch. To run all Python tests, run

hatch run test

To run only Python unit tests, run hatch run test-unit, and for Python integration tests only run hatch run test-integration.

Arguments are passed through to the underlying pytest command:

hatch run test -vv

executes pytest -vv using the Python version in your default environment. To run tests against multiple Python versions, use the all environment by running:

hatch run all:test -vv

To run tests against a particular Python version, specify the particular Hatch environment for that version:

hatch run all.py3.10:test -vv

The script executed by hatch run test-unit-coverage measures test coverage and generates a report.

To run jest unit tests for javascript functions, run hatch run test-js. Note that Node.js is required to run tests written in the jest framework. If you don't have Node.js installed, guidelines on how to install Node.js will appear when you run the command: hatch run test-js. Otherwise, if Node.js is installed, then the same command (hatch run test-js) runs jest unit tests.

Arguments are passed through to the underlying npx jest command:

hatch run test-js --help

executes npx jest --help and shows all jest optional arguments you can also propagate through hatch run test-js.


The JSON schema in schemas is generated with hatch run schema. We ensure this is kept up to date with a check in CI.

Pre-commit hooks (for linting etc.)

All linting and associated dependencies are controlled by pre-commit hooks and specified in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Configuration for tools is additionally given in pyproject.toml:

target-version = ["py37"]
line-length = 120

We use pre-commit ci to automatically fix all the linting checks that we can (with black formatting) when a PR is pushed. Other linting failures (such as mypy) need manual intervention from the developer.

To run pre-commit hooks locally, there are two options:

  1. Run hatch run pre-commit install to automatically run the hooks on every commit (you can always skip the checks with git commit --no-verify). In case this fails due to gitleaks, you should read below for an explanation and how to install go.
  2. Run hatch run lint to run pre-commit hooks on all files. (You can run hatch run lint mypy -a to only run specific linters, here mypy, on all files.)

Note that Hatch's default environment specifies pre-commit as a dependency but otherwise does not specify dependencies for linting tools such as black. These are controlled by .pre-commit-config.yaml and can be updated when required with pre-commit autoupdate. Once per month, pre-commit ci raises a PR to do so.

Secret scans

We use gitleaks for secret scanning. We do this via pre-commit, however there are a few things to note:

  1. Using gitleaks may require an installation of go on the developer machine. This is easy and explained in the Go documentation.
  2. For that reason hatch run lint skips the secret scans, to function on all machines.
  3. To run a secret-scan, run hatch run secrets.
  4. Secret scans will run on CI, but it is highly recommended to check for secrets before pushing to the remote repository and ideally also before even committing.

When executing the secret scan, there are two modes: protect can discover secrets in staged files, detect does so in the commit history.

Snyk and requirements.txt

Snyk is used to scan for vulnerabilities in dependencies. This is done by scanning the requirements.txt file. As Hatch manages the dependencies by pyproject.toml, we need to convert the dependencies to requirements.txt before Snyk can scan them. This is done by running hatch run update-snyk-requirements. The outputs are written to snyk/requirements.txt, which can be used by Snyk to scan for vulnerabilities.

We also validate whether the dependencies in requirements.txt are up-to-date. This is done in CI.

Note that requirements.txt is not used by Hatch, and so it should not be edited manually for dependency management. Instead, edit pyproject.toml or hatch.toml when adding or removing dependencies.


Vizro keeps a changelog, where all notable changes to the project will be documented. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Vizro uses scriv to build and maintain a meaningful When creating a PR, the developer needs to ensure that a changelog fragment has been created in the folder changelog.d. This fragment is a small .md file describing the changes of the current PR that should be mentioned in the entry of the next release.

You can create such a fragment by running

hatch run changelog:add

Begin by uncommenting the relevant section(s) you wish to describe. If your PR includes changes that are not relevant to, leave everything commented out. If you are uncertain about what to add or whether to add anything, refer to Keep a Changelog. The rule of thumb should be, if in doubt, or if the user is affected in any way, it should be described in the


Vizro's version is given by __version__ in src/vizro/ To bump the version, run hatch version minor. See Hatch's documentation for more details.

To build the source distribution and wheel, run hatch build.

Code of conduct

The Vizro team pledges to foster and maintain a friendly community. We enforce a Code of Conduct to ensure every Vizro contributor is welcomed and treated with respect.

Frequently asked questions

How do I add a dependency?

Add it to the list of dependencies in hatch.toml (if you are adding a dependency for development) or in pyproject.toml (if you are adding a dependency for the actual package). The next time the default environment is used (with hatch shell), the dependency will be automatically installed.

What about a lock file?

We do not have and should not need a dependency lock file (see this Hatch FAQ). If one is for some reason eventually required, good options would be pip-tools, hatch-pip-deepfreeze or pip freeze.

How do I find the path to the Python executable used?

hatch run pypath displays the path to the Python executable used in the default environment. This is useful in cases such as when you are setting up a run configuration in PyCharm.

Why are we using a line length of 120 characters?

This is the default value set in the Hatch template, and it feels sensible in the era of big screens. Line lengths can be discussed endlessly but the number should be agreed on by the Vizro team. See also this article.

Further reading and credits

Our toolchain and repo structure is influenced by the following templates:

Further useful articles:

Special thanks to Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez for useful discussions.